St. Michael’s proudly presents: St. Michael’s COV-AID
The past few weeks have challenged us in all areas of life. We have worked from home, cancelled all our travel plans, and wondered what to do with our time now that we can’t have dinner parties, go see movies, or even visit our friends.
Following the guidelines given to us might feel challenging. Staying at home all the time sounds simple, but it can also be very stressful or just plain boring. Keeping your kids occupied while playgrounds and other activities are not an option might feel like a daily mission impossible and even shopping for groceries has become a challenge - trying to navigate those tight aisles at the store while keeping your distance isn’t always easy and some of the shelves seem to stay empty. On a personal note, being a pastor at a time when coming together for worship isn’t an option feels weird, to say the least.
“We are in this together” is a slogan many of us have heard. The sentiment is beautiful and it has been wonderful to see how this strange time has brought political parties, nations, and complete strangers closer together - not physically, but in friendship and solidarity. And still, even though we are all facing changes, restrictions, and inconveniences, some of us continue to be more privileged than others. Being bored at home, trying to find new ways to do our job, and having food to eat - even if it’s not exactly what we wanted to get from the grocery store - is a luxury many can’t afford.
When we at St. Michael’s asked ourselves how we could be a church when we can’t go to church , the answer came to us quickly. We had a strong will to continue serving our community and shining the light of Christ in the world and decided that, in this situation, the best way to do so would be to support those who are most vulnerable in this COVID-19 crisis. That is why we are now launching a campaign under the name “St. Michael’s COV-AID”. During the coming weeks and months we are going to share information on different charity organizations and the important work they do, but will also donate money to them, and - hopefully - encourage YOU to do the same! Every dollar counts in showing solidarity and love to our neighbours!
Let’s really be in this together!
First “St. Michael’s COV-AID” donation will be announced soon,
so stay tuned and hit share to spread the message!